U.S. vs Fairbank – Northwest Forest Pass

U.S. vs Adi Fairbank – Oregon

Ticket_Window_CartoonShortly after the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled an Arizona fee program was illegal, a federal court in Oregon dismissed all charges against a Portland hiker in a similar situation.

Adi Fairbank had left his car parked for three days at a trailhead while he backpacked on the Pacific Crest Trail, miles away from any developed amenities. On returning he had a federal Violation Notice on his windshield for not having a Northwest Forest Pass on display.

Adi filed a Motion to Dismiss contesting the ticket based in part on the 9th Circuit decision. The Forest Service decided not to risk another adverse decision and asked the court to dismiss the case. Another citizen denied his day in court, another illegal fee site preserved.

U.S. vs Fairbank Documents

U.S. vs Fairbank Media
2012 03 02 Are NW Forest Fees Illegal?